Wastes generated from City life - letting them to meet the river without
due care!
To what extent sewerage
are treated to reach this point (near Pragati Maidan Metro station) is not
difficult to realise. We may have passed or audited YAP-I &
II, till last year with huge consumption of budgets and now YAP
phase-III would catch the attention of many. Such flow (both money and waste)
needs an auditing.
....Before we check again text books in environmental (civil)
engg on matters related to sewerage treatments, a simple separation of the
dirt, suspended materials by Geotextiles (available in Market) could save us
from such a obnoxious flow/dirt to the River Yamuna....
Buildings needs proper care and health monitoring
Our construction practices are taken care of by those field
people who, by their designated NAME and existence, have to run the from pillar
to post to other white colored creatures occupying power and posts, with
all possible means for appeasement...but finally built up facilities come up
sometimes by the weekend or in the night time....at the cost of quality in
building materials and supervisory roles...for which no one else but we
engineers can ensure simply following up of the Building codes that's existent
in our country since 1962...
Load tests - on Metro pillar, old way but have we learnt anything more
by now?

It is learnt that several (6-10 no.) piles (>1m dia) upto or
beyond 30m depth are usually inserted into the ground to host one pillar
at 20-25m span. How much of the ground engineering are applicable in such
situation is really perturbing, in this age of Geotechnical Engineering
development pursuits since 1925. To what extent Indian Codes on earthquake
Engg. is applicable to such robust foundation design - whether earthquakes of
local or distant origin, can anyway satisfy seismological issues (atleast to
avoid Resonance, knowing that spectral acceleration will be different), so
colorfully explained in recent Delhi Microzonation Studies (NCS, 2015)???
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